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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

Table of Contents
Volume 65, Issue 4, pp. 1101-1462

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Modeling of Wave Resonances in Low-Contrast Photonic Crystals

Dmitri Agueev and Dmitry Pelinovsky

pp. 1101-1129

A Universal Procedure for Normalizing n-Degree-of-Freedom Polynomial Hamiltonian Systems

Susana Gutiérrez-Romero, Jesús F. Palacián, and Patricia Yanguas

pp. 1130-1152

Spatially Discrete FitzHugh--Nagumo Equations

Christopher E. Elmer and Erik S. Van Vleck

pp. 1153-1174

Combustion Stabilization by Forced Oscillations in a Duct

Abram Dorfman

pp. 1175-1199

$\omega$-Harmonic Functions and Inverse Conductivity Problems on Networks

Soon-Yeong Chung and Carlos A. Berenstein

pp. 1200-1226

Distance Functions and Geodesics on Submanifolds of $\R^d$ and Point Clouds

Facundo Mémoli and Guillermo Sapiro

pp. 1227-1260

A Mixture Theory for the Genesis of Residual Stresses in Growing Tissues I: A General Formulation

Robyn P. Araujo and D. L. Sean McElwain

pp. 1261-1284

Modeling, Design, and Optimization of a Solid State Electron Spin Qubit

R. E. Caflisch, Mark F. Gyure, Hans D. Robinson, and Eli Yablonovitch

pp. 1285-1304

The Effect of Dispersal Patterns on Stream Populations

Frithjof Lutscher, Elizaveta Pachepsky, and Mark A. Lewis

pp. 1305-1327

A Mathematical Study of the Hematopoiesis Process with Applications to Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

Mostafa Adimy, Fabien Crauste, and Shigui Ruan

pp. 1328-1352

On the Sound in Unbounded and Ducted Vortex Flows

L. M. B. C. Campos and P. G. T. A. Serrão

pp. 1353-1368

On a Regularization Scheme for Linear Operators in Distribution Spaces with an Application to the Spherical Radon Transform

Thomas Schuster and Eric Todd Quinto

pp. 1369-1387

Modeling of Seismic Data in the Downward Continuation Approach

Christiaan C. Stolk and Maarten V. de Hoop

pp. 1388-1406

Some Properties of the Capacity Value Function

B. A. Chiera, A. E. Krzesinski, and P. G. Taylor

pp. 1407-1419

Diffusive and Chemotactic Cellular Migration: Smooth and Discontinuous Traveling Wave Solutions

K. A. Landman, M. J. Simpson, J. L. Slater, and D. F. Newgreen

pp. 1420-1442

Asymptotic Theory of Electroseismic Prospecting

Benjamin S. White

pp. 1443-1462